For Investors
Like you, we know that investments in innovative climate solutions and infrastructure will play a critical role in reducing climate risk, accelerating climate action and meeting the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction goals the world set in the Paris Agreement.
In order to grow the climate financing we need and ensure your investments have the impact you want, the market needs rigorous, transparent information about the carbon impact of investments that high level “green” certifications can’t provide.
We know most investors do not have the capability to conduct due diligence on the climate benefits of potential investments and the credibility of the claims they make but that you have a desire to make impactful investments and want to be confident in the impact your dollars are making. Transparent, quantitative assessments from trusted third-party evaluators are the best and most credible tool for comparing and communicating the environmental impact of investments.
Climate Impact ScoreTM uses our rigorous, standardized approach to quantify the estimated GHG impacts of investments and provides you with clear metrics to understand and compare the impacts and “climate-friendly” claims of different investments. It is the first and only assessment tool that quantifies the GHG reductions from the projects funded by an investment over their lifetime.
Who should partner with us?
- Institutional investors
- Asset managers
- Socially responsible investment funds
- Non-profit organizations advocating for climate-smart investments
Contact us to learn more about Climate Impact Score and engaging bond issuers to conduct assessments of the climate impacts of their financial products.